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THEATER SALPURI ... Geschichte
Es ist die Kunst, die uns zeigt,
wie man sich in der heutigen Diversität von Kulturen bewegen muss,
wie man sich neu zu erfinden hat, indem man mit veralteten Weltbildern bricht.
François Jullien
Theater Salpuri
is an international theater company consisting of actors, dancers, musicians and visual artists from different cultures with different artistic and cultural background.Theatre Salpuri was founded 1994 in Berlin by the korean actress Soogi Kang and the german director Dietmar Lenz with the dance theatre performance "PIRI the cry of the soul", music by ISANG YUN: "Piri for oboe solo".
The centre of our work is the trans-cultural dialogue :
t h e a t e r__i n__b e t w e e n.
The artistic aim is to create interferences between different art forms and cultures in higly differing ambiences which may result in a new form of theatre : a forth world theatre
Different acting methods from EastAsia, Africa and Europe meet within the rehearsel process with actors/dancers from different nations. Today no longer seperate cultures do exist. What we see today is that in all existing medias a cross over of cultural forms technics and identities, traditional and modern, do happen. As artists we have to produce art which is rooted in changing cultural contexts. Old definitions of traditional and modern no longer seem useful today. The process of changing time forces us to de-contextualise: we artists learn how to journey from one into an other context: from „tradition“ to „modern“ from future into past from one culture into another from motion into e-motion from painting into dancing/acting from images into music from body to spirit to body. We may discover a specific energy which arises by becoming conscious of that what is not identic in-between different art forms and cultures!
THEATER SALPURI wurde gefördert / unterstützt von:
Berlin Senat für Wissenschaft, Forschung, Kultur
Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa Berlin
Hauptstadtkulturfonds Berlin
Werkstatt der Kulturen Berlin
Deutsche Klassenlotterie
Staaliche Museen Berlin
Haus der Kulturen der Welt Berlin
Werkstatt der Kulturen Berlin
Kulturamt Neukölln
Kulturamt Kreuzberg
Kulturamt Tempelhof-Schöneberg Berlin
Kulturamt Treptow Berlin
Kulturnetzwerk Neukölln
Hardenberg Concept
Asien Pacific Wochen Berlin
Koreanisches Kulturzentrum Berlin
Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Korean Ministry of Culture and Tourism
Overseas Korean Foundation
Botschaft der Republik Korea
2020 >>> Der Kaukasische Kreidekreis
2017 >>> Antigone
2017 >>> Woyzeck
2016 >>> Iphigenie
2015 >>> Von Raben, Riesen, Teufel und anderen Menschen
2015 >>> Zwischen den Dingen
2014 >>> Antigone
2015 >>> Lysistrata
2014 >>> Töchter Koreas
2012 >>> Der Sturm
2006 >>> Publikumsbeschimpfung, I.
2005 >>> Princess Pari, inbetween theatre and shamanism
2004 >>> Antigone, Durstiger Staub
2004 >>> Kamun Sang Agi, Seoul
2003 >>> Hoe Shim, Elements for Life
2004 >>> Surface Berlin
2003 >>> Hoe Shim, Elements for Life
2002 >>> Quest, grafic Tanz Theater, II.
2001 >>> Oiseaux
2000 >>> Daebak, Musical, Seoul
1999 >>> Quest, grafic Tanz Theater, I.
1999 >>> Jorinde und Joringel
1998 >>> Bruder, Du !
1996 >>> Chun Hyang und die Wege der Liebe
1994 >>> Kranich Mädchen
1994 >>> OZ
1994 >>> Piri, Ruf der Seele, II.
1992 >>> Die Brüder Löwenherz
1992 >>> Der Zauberer von Oz
1991 >>> Das Dschungelbuch
1990 >>> Am Nordpol
1989 >>> Piri, Ruf der Seele, I.
1989 >>> Valerie und die Gute Nacht Schaukel
1988 >>> Kiebich und Dutz
1987 >>> Lachen des WIndes, I.
1986 >>> Laurenzia