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GRAFIC DANCE THEATRE is theater of images.
GRAFIC DANCE THEATRE is choreo-grafic theater.
GRAFIC DANCE THEATRE is presence of gesture, object and space.
.QUEST. GRAFIC DANCE THEATR : is sceno-choreo-graphic-dance theater:
Scene - Parade - Walk Act - Choreography - Installation - Meditation,
playable in a variety of places and spaces for different occasions:
scenic and visual etudes: scenic art in public spheres.
this project begun 12 years ago, a work in progress:
and asks for the`spirit´of energy, line, body, movement, object.
"What I inflict to theater, is a principle of behavior influenced by visual art."
Wolf Vostell
The actor seems to disappear in favor of the optical-plastic in this theater.
The opposite is the case: it is the performer who creates a field of tension
Movement / Acting / Figure / Text / Object / Costume / Space / Music und Silence.
GRAFIC DANCE THEATRE rips holes, builds islands of perception in everyday urban life.
It dis-orientates the ordinary look within global overstimulation,
leads to the Sur-Real,
wants to encourage an attitude of contemplation about: people, space, objects and the world.
Who is dancing? Who is moving this body?
By keeping this insoluble QUEST at all times in each movement,
becomes the total awareness of the performing self
and itself becomes the embodiement of movement meditation.
"The THEATER OF TOTALITY with its various complex
relationships between light, space, surface, shape, motion, sound, man - with all the variations and combinations of these elements together
- artistic creation:
László Moholy-Nagy, Das kommende Theater: Theater der Totalität, 1924